Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Little Princess

Everybody loves to be a princess. We crave to be one (err... are you?). Even I do. I still remember back then when I was in my college days, I used to be called a 'Princess' by a friend. I really felt like a real princess only that I doesn't live in a castle.
There's only one thing that inspired me to be a 'princess' and i.e a film by Alfonso Cuarón based upon the novel, A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

 The novel with over hundreds of cover versions 

I've never actually read the book yet but I watched the film when I was little.
And I've been the biggest critic over many films I watched and yet A Little Princess failed to open my mouth. The film is just brilliant in order. Funny, sweet, sad, and every little thing you could imagine of being a princesses.

 The film... Sara and Becky at the attic together 

Becky: Sara… why don’t you tell your stories anymore?
Sara Crewe: They’re just make-believe. They don’t mean anything.
Becky: Oh, but they’ve always meant something to me. There were days I thought I would die, until I heard you talk about the magic.
Sara Crewe: There is no magic, Becky


Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life. Unknown

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Music = Inspirations

 Yeah right!

What would you do if you get a repeated song that kept coming in your head while you're doing some important stuff? Sometimes you get distracted by it just to know which song it is, the tunes and rhythms or even trying really hard to remember the lyrics. That's what I love about music so much. It kept me insane for a while that I actually get to think of something worthy than just a rubbish LOL

 This doesn't look like rubbish to me... 

I would say I can't live without music in fact everyone does not. In simple words, I love music. In fact I listen to music everyday all day long and night. Feels like my world is incomplete without music. Because all I need is simply great tunes, good lyrics, and nice rhythms to follow with.

 Keep on dancing people!

Music. Music. Music. Oh well this five letters that brings my life truly wonderful. Why? Because, music is one of my sources of inspirations. Many people these days listen to various kinds of music while doing things in their daily life. Let's see... I listen to music while I do my research and notes. I listen to music while on the subway waiting for the train to reach me. I listen to music while I eat alone (Sad face everyone!). And most times, I listen to music while I browsing through the Internet. When I listened to them, it really soothed my mood till the night. Ahhhhh...

 Is that an iPod? iPhone?

Below are the lists that I found on what music can do (at leas to me):

1. It helps to attained my self improvement and have a better quality life.
2. It can change my state of mind and make me feel relaxed and happy.
3.It stimulates creativity by creating channels of neurons in the brain (I need this badly!). Research has proved that music tunes the brain to higher planes of thinking.
4. It can wake and boost up my creative genius.Click Here
5. If you could just not let me do the thinking alone... people?

 I've never really get the chance to do like that 

Anyway, music is now accessible through many means of network online or offline. I can buy CD's or DVD's or I just logged on to many available websites to upload varieties of music I like. I don't need to tell you what are these networks are because they're plenty of legal ones.

Currently I'm listening to this song by Katy Perry of Firework.
 See the clip in here Firework


I was born free, but now I am expensive. Unknown

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Playing with numbers!

Yes! Talking about numbers makes me sick! But hey not with Sudoku! It seems odd that I've never liked Maths since I was a kid and so I flunked them few times at school. My brain just can't think of any ways to solved Maths problem in a quickest and easiest way. I need a brain wash everyone!

 I used to play Sudoku on newspapers... talking about old times eh!

So listen here, Sudoku involves combination of numbers (see what I meant!). In Sudoku, the goal is to load a 9x9 square grid (nevertheless, other variant emerge). Also, each column and each row encloses a 3x3 sub grid, which agrees to a maximum of 9 numbers to be supplemented to every box. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But the hitch lies here, you can have only one solution, you cannot repeat a number in a horizontal line, vertical line on in a square!

 I missed doing this on the paper

Now, let us look at the origin of Sudoku first. Sudoku, which has been called the Rubik's Cube of the 21st century, was designed by Howard Garns, who was a retired architect and a freelance puzzle constructor. He published his first puzzle in 1979.

Garns was the first to present the square as a puzzle, when he would provide a grid that was partially completed, and have the user fill in the answers. Dell Magazines published the puzzle in its magazine called Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games. The game was originally called Number Place.

The puzzle was then found in Japan by Nikoli, in a paper called Monthly Nikolist, which came out in April of 1984. The puzzle was called Suuji wa dokushin ni kagiru. This means, 'the numbers must occur only once.' Later, the name was abbreviated to Sudoku, in which the Su means number and the Doku means single.

 I managed to solved over 6 Sudoku in less than an hour

Then, the game was changed yet again, as in 1986 some rules were given. The number of givens was reduced to no more than 32, and the puzzles became symmetrical. The first computer version of Sudoku was produced in 1989 for the Commodore 64. In 1995 and 1996, Japanese publisher Yoshimitsu Kanai published more computer generated puzzles for Sudoku.

  Sudoku for Dummies LOL 

Once I did a brief research on Sudoku, I've never wondered myself that it started from America not Japan.
More tips on Sudoku here and online games here.

Hey I have a wish! I want to be a Sudoku Wizard. =) Wanna join me?


A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous. C.C
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