Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Little Princess

Everybody loves to be a princess. We crave to be one (err... are you?). Even I do. I still remember back then when I was in my college days, I used to be called a 'Princess' by a friend. I really felt like a real princess only that I doesn't live in a castle.
There's only one thing that inspired me to be a 'princess' and i.e a film by Alfonso Cuarón based upon the novel, A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

 The novel with over hundreds of cover versions 

I've never actually read the book yet but I watched the film when I was little.
And I've been the biggest critic over many films I watched and yet A Little Princess failed to open my mouth. The film is just brilliant in order. Funny, sweet, sad, and every little thing you could imagine of being a princesses.

 The film... Sara and Becky at the attic together 

Becky: Sara… why don’t you tell your stories anymore?
Sara Crewe: They’re just make-believe. They don’t mean anything.
Becky: Oh, but they’ve always meant something to me. There were days I thought I would die, until I heard you talk about the magic.
Sara Crewe: There is no magic, Becky


Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life. Unknown


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