Hear me saying...getting on my nerves!
Yep, pet peeve defined as 'personal hate' (Thesaurus Dictionary) or
I would described it
as 'the things that irritates and bothers you too much'...get the idea?
I'm telling you, pet peeve is real! Uh oh...
Here I'll give only few (five) of pet peeves by no particular orders.
A quick reminder; I'm not going to be nice and kind by listing them out here, I do
however believe people generally don't hate other people.
Therefore, by writing them down here could somehow release me from
my annoyance mode. It's unhealthy to dwell with them and no harm in telling, is there?
Now lets get started!
1. Thank you...NOT!
I don't quite like people who never say 'thanks' or 'thank you' in return. It's like a dying process of human civilizations now. Silent appreciation never will work for me. It's not 'just' that. I believe it's important to thank those who go above and beyond. Don't we as human praised to GOD that we actually live in this world? Why don't we start being a little thankful to ourselves at least?
2. Being ignored
When you were ignored by people in public after you request for some information. Then you go all red in your ears with embarrassment and noticed that everyone stares at you. I hate seeing this scenarios happened while I am there. I really get peeved by this silly characteristics. People are in need, why not helping them when you can? I truly loathed ignorance and stupidity.
3. Media culture
I hate this pop culture of celebrities who get famous for being famous. Google up and you will not be surprising who has been on the lists. The term refers to someone who attains celebrity status for no particular identifiable reason, or who achieves fame through association with a celebrity. Anyone came in mind? Just look Kim Kardashian (LOL) plus the our local 'talented' people. I'm sorry for being that vain but truth hurts. I also get peeved at the media who usually bugging into people's private lives. I never care. I have my own life to bug off with.
4. Religious argumentative
Please please never to argued stupidly as regards to religion if you have zero information about it. You want to learn more? Then do it with pride. Be kind to each other. And read books. My heart is jumping when I see a long list of argumentative comments that's irrelevant to go with religion.
I, myself, am not strongly religious however that doesn't take any values or intelligence from my own character. But why these people are blatantly so stupid to argue about religion when the discussions had NOTHING to do with it at all. It's ridiculous. Please make your debate educational. Educate me!
5. Can't keep a secret
I despise these kind of people. Please have a little compassion. Once I told you my biggest secrets ever, please keep them shut at the back of your empty head.
Can't even shut their mouths when provoke! And don't you hate it when they gave you assurance that they won't tell anyone but they did minutes after? Please stay away from me if you're behaving like this at my back. And I mean it!
Oh wow now I'm feeling much better, though I would go around hundred lists of them.
I have mentioned several few others somewhere and luckily enough I won't have to live on them anymore back in my heart. I would just simply ignore them and get a laughs instead. Will get back to this matter on the second part. Is it worth it?

P.S: The entry is scheduled at 31/12/2010 LOL so what year it is now? Oh no, I need a time machine. Yes, I'm pretty lazy. And no, I have a real life. Really.
Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. Unknown
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